People are asking me for what I want (and for the kids, too) and I don't have much people can give me. I pretty much have suggestions for the kids, but am open to more (mainly learning stuff for 5 yr old and 3 yr old.)
For me, I want my acne to go away and I want to be able to afford professional pics of the kids. There are a few CDs but I can not htink of what I would like.
What I would really like are gift cards because this is going to be a REALLY tough year for us and we are expecting a baby. Didn't plan it this way, but I am halfway through pg and DH will be laid off from his job. He will be able to get another but it will be at a base step again. We thought we planned so well for thi sbaby. We also were going to build an addition to actually have a room for the baby, but that is put off now:(
So, I could put ear plugs on the list since baby will be sharing a room with us:)
Re: Want to share your xmas list?
I do have GCs to places like Wal-Mart and where I get my hair done. We already have 2 kids so it will be more for things like diapers, etc.
You reminded me, though, I really would like a new carrier. Mine was 5 yrs old when I got it hand-me-down for DD 5 yrs ago. We so need another one! I have a few friends who just had their last babies and I should start asking around.
I know people want to buy things for me to open but this just might not be the year for that.