I vote no, but if you're not inviting the whole class then don't give out invites at school. You should mail them to their homes or something so it's not seen.
I would definitely invite the ENTIRE class. You will hurt someone's feelings if you don't. How'd you like it if your kid was one of the one's left out? At my center, the rule is if you pass out invites AT daycare, you MUST invite everyone.
Chances are, not all kids are going to go... like the pp said, probalby 1/2 or LESS will go...
chances are all the kids aren't going to come anyway... if I were you... I would send invites to all of the kids - esp since you are going to be paying for 15... I highly doubt all the kids will come....
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Reom, we are only inviting 2 of teh boys that he is pretty close with. Ome I am friends with the mom and the other he plays with ALL the time and I actually asked to invite him. I have 18 kids invited as it is between family and close friends......I actually had to cut some bc its to crazy.
where are you having it?
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Ditto the suggestion about doing just a girls' party. DD#1 is having a bday with just the girls from her kindergarten class this weekend. We still mailed the invites, though, so the boys wouldn't feel like we rubbed it in their faces.
Re: POLL: Do I need to invite the entire daycare class?
HA then my DD wouldn't want to come It's a good suggestion though. We are having a gym party.
Just noticed you are in New Hope. Ever have the cheese fondue in the kettle crock at Havana? To die for!
Yes ma'am I am!! Thank you!
That's a good point. You probably can invite them all and expect more than 3 being unable to attend.
I would definitely invite the ENTIRE class. You will hurt someone's feelings if you don't. How'd you like it if your kid was one of the one's left out? At my center, the rule is if you pass out invites AT daycare, you MUST invite everyone.
Chances are, not all kids are going to go... like the pp said, probalby 1/2 or LESS will go...
chances are all the kids aren't going to come anyway... if I were you... I would send invites to all of the kids - esp since you are going to be paying for 15... I highly doubt all the kids will come....
Reom, we are only inviting 2 of teh boys that he is pretty close with. Ome I am friends with the mom and the other he plays with ALL the time and I actually asked to invite him. I have 18 kids invited as it is between family and close friends......I actually had to cut some bc its to crazy.
where are you having it?