
WWYD - holding pee all day long?

DS and I have been trying to PT but it seems we take one step forward and then 4 steps backward... it's so fustrating.  He'll have a day or so where he'll pee on the potty no problems then the next day not want to go near the potty... not sure what that's all about.  I don't want to push him or stress him out.  Today he decided to sit on the potty again but hasn't peed all day long.  His pull up has been dry since this morning and he's drinking juice.  Last time this happened my pedi said back off.  Anyone have a similar experience or can share some insight.  I know boys are harder to train than girls and they tend to be 'lazy' but I'm hoping he learns quickly and soon.  Wishful thinking huh?  Kel

Re: WWYD - holding pee all day long?

  • I always back off when they start refusing to go like that, it isn't healthy for them to hold it.  If you have been pushing fluids..definitly let it go.  My DS1 has some kind of phsycological issue with the potty like this, he has never even attempted pooping on the potty, he has some kind of fear about it he starts getting paniky if we try and push him to do it at all.
  • I wouldn't push it either. If you tried different things: cheerios in the potty and aiming for them; treats as a reward; celebrating when he does potty, etc., and they aren't working, I'd back off. He may not be ready yet.
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  • Ditto everyone else. I'm sure you'd love to get him PTed before the next one comes along, but it just might not be time yet.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • What's your idea of "all day" and how much juice are we talking?  My DS routinely can go for up to 6 hours without peeing and he drinks at least one 12 oz sippy every morning.  Is he dancing around like he needs to go?
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