This is not really preemie related, I just don't have the energy to decide on my own. My job has the H1N1 vaccine today and if I don't get it today, I'm probably SOL. My reservation is that I had a stomach virus Sunday (I seriously felt like dying) and I am still not 100% (I'm not sick to my stomach, just wiped out).
Marino has virus triggered asthma, if that sways your opinion. If he didn't, I probably wouldn't even get it at all.
Re: Should I get the H1N1 Vac Today?
I think the easy answer to this question is to remove the H1N1 from the equation. Are you getting the regular flu vaccine? If the H1N1 outbreak happened just a few months before it did, the H1N1 "vaccine" would have been included in the regular shot. So if you would get the regular shot, it would stand to reason the H1N1 would really be no different.
Hope that helps.
Oh, yeah, I'm not worried about it causing some crazy problem or anything. I'm just worried about my immune system being compromised b/c I'm still recovering from another virus. If I was healthy, I would just go get it. But if I got sick from the shot I would be in serious trouble b/c after having c.diff last month and Marino having eleventy billion medical dramas in the past 8 weeks, I have no more sick leave.
I did get the flu shot in September (while I had c.diff) and I was fine.
Not yet. It hasn't been an option for him yet. He needs to get it from the allergist, since he has an egg allergy (they do testing first and keep him in a controlled environment). And our allergist hasn't had it. Before we knew about the asthma, I wasn't going to do it, but now I want to. Hopefully, they'll have the vaccine within a couple weeks.
Then I would definitely go ahead and get it today while you can. Good luck!
I am so dense!! (and tired!!)--Somehow, I didn't catch that at ALL. Egads!
To answer your real question, I have no idea! Our pedi said Lily could have her shots with a cough as long as she didn't have a fever.
I'd get it. The shot version shouldn't make you feel worse, aside from having a sore arm. The flumist, on the other hand, could make you feel sick for a couple of days.
You poor thing! I hope you feel better soon!
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