Last night i had a very stressful night (DD ran out into a parking lot at night and i was alone with her so had to chase after her) Anyway i had mild cramping after that but i drank lots of water and laid down and it went away. Tonight i am having some more off and on mild cramping or just discomfort. I have my next peri appointment Wednesday morning. The cramps are making me nervous, no bleeding or spotting or anything, Should i call the nurse tomorrow if it continues or just wait till i go in on wednesday?
Is cramping normal at this stage, i don't rememebr it will DD but with 3 in there i figure they might just be making room:) Thanks!
Re: cramping questions
I kind of remember having a lot of cramping 12-13 weeks. my OB said it was my body stretching for babies and babies moving around causing bruising to the uterus. I never spotted with cramps so the choice is yours.
If it will ease your mind then call but mention it to the dr at your appt.