
WWYD re: NICU nurse

My DS was born on 2-13-09 and he was in the NICU for 9 days after birth.  There was one particular nurse that I absolutely adored.  She was an older woman who worked only on weekends, and she took care of her grandkids during the week.  She was a total "Gramma" type and she just adored my son.  She was the one who brought my son out to the car and discharged him the day he came home.  We video taped our walk out of the hospital and she was just talking up a storm to our little guy.  She was really special.

I've been thinking about her a lot lately and I want to reconnect with her, but I'm not sure how.  I would love for her to see my baby boy and I think she would like that.  But, should I call her at the hospital and talk to her (when she's working on babies who need her so badly), or do I send her a card with my contact info and leave it up to her?  Or do I just send her a Thank you basket at the hospital and leave it at that?  WWYD?  I'm open to any suggestions.


Re: WWYD re: NICU nurse

  • I think the card or the basket would be the best. Also put contract info in both :)
  • I reconnected with my favorite NICU nurses via FB. Maybe she had a FB account? I'd search for's worth a try. If not I would just send her a card with your contact information. Most NICU nurses like to "track" their preemie's progress.

    Good Luck!

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  • image*Sweet pea*:
    I think the card or the basket would be the best. Also put contract info in both :)


  • During my time at the NICU I've seen a lot of "NICU Graduates", as they call them, come back for visits. It's really nice to see how excited and happy the nurses and doctors get to see the babies that have now become toddlers. I know you think that you are taking away time from the other babies that are there, but honestly when I see them get excited to see the former kids it lets me know that these people care on a personal level too. Are you opposed to a NICU reunion? 
  • We had a special nurse also.  We sent her a Christmas card at the hospital and included our email and address.  She emailed us immediately and we have stayed in touch.  
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • From the NICU nurse:

    We LOVE keeping in touch with our grads! I especially enjoy when parents send us pictures periodically to put up in the staff lounge. Makes us feel like "a job well done".

    You might call and ask the NICU clerk when she is working next and stop by the NICU on that day. We usually have "rounds" where we are actively taking care of babies, but there is some down time in between, which is perfect for a short visit. As long as you explain why you are calling, most facilities are glad to accomodate an update visit!

    I'm glad you had such a wonderful experience with one of your nurses. That makes the job totally worth it Big Smile

    Mio Marito per Sempre: Married 2009. SD is 12 yrs. DD is 4 yrs.

    DS born 12/29/14

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  • image*Sweet pea*:
    I think the card or the basket would be the best. Also put contract info in both :)

     This.  I mailed a little thank you treat to our favorite nurse and told her I'd love to keep in contact.  I left my email, home phone and address.  We still stay in touch through email.   

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