
target pharmacy closed for lunch + sick mommy =

a $30 four dollar scrip for my antibiotics...... woopsy. 

Damn them for closing for half an hour at lunch and leaving me time to browse.  DD now has a holiday dress, shoes, and leggings.  I'm blaming it on my raging headache impairing my judgement Angel

Re: target pharmacy closed for lunch + sick mommy =

  • I cna't believe you only spent $34! I am hiding my receipts from DH.  He will divorce my ass if he sees what i've spent at Target in the past week.
  • So fun!

    And, really, that is not bad for a random Target trip!Stick out tongue

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  • the $30 included the $4 rx LOL  I put so many things back.. I was good.  But still, right now, $30 is pretty bad in our house. 

    The cream snowflake pjs set?  yeah, almost went home with me too ;-)

  • I put an $8 gingerbread train set back yesterday b/c really.  that's just silly. 

    but I still managed to spend an obscene amount of money.  I put myself on a 2-week Target hiatus and did great, but then when the 2 weeks was up, all hell broke loose and I went on a bender.   


  • These responses are cracking me up!  Strange things happen to our brains when we go into a Target.  They're up to something...
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • Yeah. What is with that store?!? They totally mindwarp us somehow. I have a hard time leaving under $100 when I've just gone in for a box of tissues.
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
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