
? about DD's sharing room

We've had the crib set up in R's room for months and she knows they will be sharing a room.  Cameron is sleeping well and we would like to move her into their room.

But, Reagan has been really rough/aggressive to Cameron on several occasions (although, the past week has been better).

At what point would you feel comfortable putting the baby in there?  Any tips to smooth the transition?  (I'm sure Cameron will be fine with it, I'm worried about Reagan)  I'm thinking of just naps for a while and see how it goes?

Re: ? about DD's sharing room

  • My girls have been sharing the room overnight since about 3 months, but still aren't for naps.  Both sleep heavily overnight, but are light nappers, so I don't want their naps ruined.  Right now the younger one naps anywhere and the older one naps in the bedroom.  Once the younger one is pickier about naps I'll put the older one in my room for naps since she's in a regular bed.  At night we put our older daughter to bed first, then the younger one relaxes and falls asleep nursing.  About an hour after the older one falls asleep we bring the younger one in and they do fine.  If you're worried about aggression, maybe put a rib tent on the baby's bed to protect her.
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  • My girls have been sharing a room since DD#2 was about 4 months old and earlier for naps (maybe 6-8 weeks old).  But they're a lot closer in age too (a little over a year and a half apart).  DD#1 wasn't ever aggressive with DD#2 but did like to "share" to the point where she'd throw things in her crib.  We just had to keep an eye on that.  Other than that, it'll take them time to adjust to sharing a room and sleeping together.  It took my girls a few days (if that) to get used to each other's "night noises" and not wake each other up. 

    Are you worried your DD#1 will climb in the crib?  Poke the baby through the bars?  Throw things in?  You can always put them down at different times.  I honestly can't remember what we did at first, but I think we always put them down together or mostly together.  We've had the same bedtime routine forever.  They also (now) do better together than apart.  Even when traveling or anything else, we can't separated them because they can't sleep well and DD#2 gets scared. 

    The earlier you put them in together, the easier the transition will be.  We're now working on moving the girls to their "big girl room" as soon as we get the furniture in.  Even if DC#3 had been a girl, we would have kept the older two together.  They can't imagine anything else.  In fact, siblings that don't share a room confuse them (like in books and such).  They can't imagine it any other way.  

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