
help - lined alligator clips or french barrettes?

I'm getting some large boutique bows from an etsy seller. The bows are for a 7 yr old girl with lots of long hair. Is the french barrette the way to go?

Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}

Re: help - lined alligator clips or french barrettes?

  • I'm going to need to see a picture to even know what you're talking about!

    I personally like the ones like this, but Rory's hair is so thin and fine the other kind slips right off.  Maybe Malia has more hair than her, though?


  • For a 7 year old, I'd definitely go with the french barrette.  In fact, I am already using those for DD.




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  • And, I obviously didn't read your post very well.  Sorry, neeser. Sad  I am having quite the day.  Just ignore me!
  • Thanks jw - I wasn't totally sure what a french barette was.

    These are the bows I'm looking at:


    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • French barrette!! The bigger the better. Emilia's hair isn't that thick and she can wear the big ones in her bangs!
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