We have been dealing with some issues with Madison for a couple weeks now. First there was blood streaking in her spit up. She has pretty bad reflux so they were thinking she had a raw spot and that it should go away. Then she started having the streaking in her BMs as well. Then then sent us to childrens to see a GI specialist. They determined that she is reacting to something I am eating but what? They wanted me to continue BFing in case its a dairy or soy allergy, keep the same diet for a week to see if it would clear up and start restricting things in my diet if it continued. It stopped so they went back to thinking she had a rip somehow and it cleared up then I had eggs salad and it happend all over again so they said egg it is and restricted me from eating straight egg but egg IN thins (like a cookie) should be fine. Well......we are off to the docs again this afternoon because over the weekend she was getting blotches on her face when eating and last nigth is was full blow hives and rash all over her torso. My BF is a peds nurse adn I sent her a picture of what it looked like and she is deff thinking allergy. But to what is the problem. now we wait to see what the doctor says at this point...
Anyone else had similar issues?
Re: allergic to my BM?
My LO was getting rashes and eczema flares but I couldn't pin point the cause. Then I decided to give him a full 5oz of formula to see if he would take it. He did but then broke out in hives head to toe. We went on Nutramagen (when I supplemented) and that seemed to help but he still had flares.
When we started introducing solids I was having a heck of a time. Squash made his lip blow up and green beans and peas brought on full body rashes but no hives. I finally took him to an allergist and had the RAST blood test done. Turns out he is allergic to milk, eggs, peanuts and soybeans.
I have eliminated straight egg and most milk from my diet since I am still breasfeeding in the morning and evening (I'm still hanging on to my flavored creamer in my coffee). We haven't had any hives in a while now. He was still having some rash issues but I think I've now connected that to a milk derivative in the organic brown rice cereal I was giving him.
Has your pedi mentioned an allergist?
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame