I think I can say that Reagan is pretty much potty trained. She has now started pooping on the potty (yay!) and has been peeing consistently with very few accidents until yesterday. She knows what to do and can do it. But, here are 2 situations I'm not sure how to handle:
1. Nap/quiet time: She's using the potty excuse to keep coming out of her room. I've been letting her come out and use the potty, but she doesn't go. She just sits there forever. At some point, do I just say no, or do I just ignore it and eventually she'll get bored with it?
2. If she is upset/tantruming, that's when she has an accident. (yesterday was a bad afternoon b/c she didn't nap and was really tired & had 3 accidents) I've just cleaned her up and didn't talk about it. I didn't want to feed into it if it's intentional (which sometimes it seems to be an excuse to get out of timeout) and other times it seems like she doesn't know its happening if she's really upset. Is ignoring it the best way to handle it or is there something else that might be more effective?
Re: How do you handle this? (pt related)
I think you're handling the accidents perfectly. When DS had accidents and seemed upset, I'd usually just say something like, "It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes." The funniest was when he would start saying that back to me when he'd have an accident.
If she doesn't seem upset, not commenting on it seems like a good way to react.
As far as the nap thing goes, how long has she been PTed? Perhaps you should think about putting a pull up on her during her nap. Does she wear one at night, or does she wear underwear at night? She might be truly afraid she'll wet herself while she's sleeping, which obviously makes it hard to sleep.
Just my $.02. I'm far from an expert!
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I don't think she's doing the timeout pee on purpose. My DD has been potty trained for a while and she still has issues with going when she is really upset. And then she's upset that she's all wet. Before when she wasn't upset about being messy, I thought maybe it was on purpose.
It has started happening way less frequently, but still occasionally. I think they just have to grow out of it.