Baby Names

SIL still wont shut up!

She keeps insisting that if we have a girl we make her MN Lorraine. I personally HATE that name! I see her reasoning (it's her mn Deanna Lorraine, her DD's mn Akiya Lorraine, her grandmothers mn Penny Lorraine) Personally I don't want my baby to have the same middle name as half of her family. My DH has already told her the girl's MN will be his FN, Blake. She just keeps insisting! I don't want to be mean but I'm afraid I might have to. She got to name her baby so why is she so dead set on naming mine as well!? Help! 
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Re: SIL still wont shut up!

  • Personally what I would do is just stop talking about your LO's name.  Next time your SIL bring up the mn, just say that you and your DH are considering a number of names and leave it at that.
  • I would just ignore her.  She can't make decisions for you no matter how stupid she acts.
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  • Ignore ignore ignore.  She doesn't get to put the name on the birth cert.
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  • Tell her it's not up for discussion, and you will not be discussing it with her any further.  Your baby, your name. 
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  • imageLurksgirl:
    Personally what I would do is just stop talking about your LO's name.  Next time your SIL bring up the mn, just say that you and your DH are considering a number of names and leave it at that.

    Totally agree with this.  She can use Lorraine as a MN for her DD 

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  • Ignore. Or just say "Thanks for your opinion".  OVer and over and over.

    She can "insist" all she wants - it's not her child or her choice. 

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  • Lorraine -----No   Tell her to lighten up.  It's not her kid.

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  • "SIL, I thought we had made it clear that we had chosen a name. WE will be naming our child, NOT YOU. This isn't something we are willing to discuss with you anymore. I hope you understand" and then walk away, or say you need to go.

    IF this doesn't do it ignore her, like PP suggested she will not be naming the child when she is delivered.

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  • Just tell her you hate it. 
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  • She named her DD you name yours.  Tell her thanks. 

    I'd hate to tell you to resort to violence but I would understand if you slapped her.

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  • I agree with the others, just refuse to talk about it. 


    When my mother was pregnant with me everyone expected her to name me Alice.  It is my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother's name.  She told them one time that she would NOT be naming me Alice if I was a girl and didn't bring it up again and refused to talk about it when they brought it up until she settled on a name.  Eventually they got over it (or if they didn't they never said anything to me).


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  • Tell her she got to name her baby, you get to name yours!  It is ridiculous for her to think she can "insist" on you naming your DD middle name Lorraine!


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  • "I'm so over names. We're just going to call her "It"

    And walk away. 

  • It's your child, name her what you want.  Your SIL has no say.  I don't see why she would want you to anyways, it sounds like something in her fam, not yours.  Just tell you you've already decided on a name and you're not sharing it.
  • Best answer:


    When she brings it up again, tell her that you're saving the name Lorraine for her to use if she has another girl since it is so important to her :) 



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  • I would just stop discussing it with her ... just say, "thanks for the suggestion, but we've already decided" and then drop it. 
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