
Okay, bizzare thought and probably pregnancy brain...

I was thinking how I have almost 7lbs of baby in my belly right now between the two of them. My daughter was 8lbs 13oz when she was born. I went into labor at 41 weeks - 2 days before my induction.

In a short time, I will be carrying almost the weight that my daughter was at birth. And for some reason this makes me think I will not get too far.

I suppose I am just thinking I will not make it to end of December the way things are going (preterm labor, Procardia, weight of babies, etc.).

This is probably crazy talk - so sorry for the rambling. I am sure there is much more that goes into your body going into labor than the babies weights!!

Blech - pregnancy brain...



Re: Okay, bizzare thought and probably pregnancy brain...

  • it is not that crazy of a thought.

    My OB said something similar- that when a body starts to carry a certain amount of baby it can think "oh, it's time to deliver" and it's a big reason for PTL with multiples- which is why you really need to take it easy when you are getting further along.

    I ended up with 14lbs of baby in me (plus all their water, placenta, etc)... so it's certainly not impossible to get far- but it's also smart to realize how our bodies work and know why we need to be so careful if we want to carry to term.

  • i get what you're saying, but you CAN carry a lot more than that. look at goldie! her twins combined were way bigger than her singleton! and we have moms who had up to 17 lbs of baby when they gave birth, so don't give up or think you've hit your limit. think positive! :)
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  • Did you ever hear of that mom somewhat recently (I think on the Today show, etc.) whose twins were each over 10 lbs???

    It was shocking at the time, but now that I'm carrying twins I just can't believe her body was able to carry that much weight!

     Addition:  Here's the story I was talking about... one of them was actually over 12 lbs!

  • My singleton was 7lb 9oz born at 42 weeks. My twins were born at 37 weeks exactly and they were 6lbs 14oz and 5bs 8oz.......
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