Emberlynn? I know a lot of people will say it sounds "made up" but every single name was "made up" by someone at some point in time, including the oh so popular names of today. But other than "sounding made up" what do you think of it?
ETA: I probably should've mentioned this will be a middle name. Although she will probably go by it. And I'm sure be nn Emmy for short.
Re: WDYT of....
It sounds ridiculous.
It sounds ridiculous and vaguely reminiscent of "embolism."
Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3
I hate the "every name was made up at one point" argument. It doesn't hold water for me - usually when people say, "it sounds made up" they really mean "it sounds like you mashed some names together in a bad way to make it sound 'unique' but really it makes it seem like you can't spell at all". Sorry, but it is true.
I personally don't think it's a big deal as to whether or not names mean anything. I just go for the way they sound. I love the name Ember although I am not a fan of Amber (weird, I know). Lynn is my sister's middle name and I love the way it goes with Ember. IMO Emberlynn can be pronounced as such or as Ember Lynn.
I loved Emberly too but Emberlynn came in first in that race
Not sure why, I just like the way it sounds better.
Really? I've never known anyone by that name. How old are the ones you know?
Wow... I'm surprised. I didn't think I would ever run across someone who knew an Emberlynn. And I didn't choose this name solely to be unique and different. I just love it
BFP #2 - 11/4/09
My Book Blog
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.
Miles Alister. 9.17.2007. 8# 6oz 21.5inches
Isla Penelope. 10.21.2010. 8# 3oz 21 inches
2 Months 11# 6oz 23.5 inches
4 Months 13# 6oz 25 inches
6 Months 14# 15oz 27 inches
9 Months 17# 10oz 28 inches
12 Months 19# 10oz 28.75 inches
So what you're saying is you made it up?
Origin aside, I think it's a mouthful and not my style.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
I'm just not a fan of Amber, although I am considering it being Ember Lynn instead of all together.
I thought of "embolism" when I first read it, too. Not really a great association.
I give this one a thumbs down, sorry.