
anyone ever sell used baby stuff to Children's Orchard?

We are not having any more kids so I am looking to start getting rid of some of the baby stuff DD no longer uses (swing, bouncy seat, bumbo, etc.)  I've shopped as the local Children's Orchard but never sold to them.  I just called to make an appointment to sell stuff and they are booked until 12/17 for selling appointments.  I was hoping to get the stuff out before Thanksgiving (I'm hosting for 18 people).  Is it worth waiting?  Do they pay well?  

I've posted some of it on Craigslist a couple of times, but no takers.  I may try again.  I wouldn't be opposed to donating but thought I would at least try to get some money back, we could sure use it.  

Susie, mom to DS 4/10/07 and DD 3/6/09 (MC 9/05, 2/06) Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: anyone ever sell used baby stuff to Children's Orchard?

  • I have and its worth it to me b/c I just want to get it out of here and not deal with craigslist/ebay.  Whatever they don't want to buy I just have them donate.  We have two childrens orchards around here, one you need an appointment and the other has two afternoons a week you don't need an appt for, so maybe call around and see if theres another that will operate that way?

    As far as money goes, they typically sell the products for half of what they retail for, and give you 1/2 of that.  So if you bring something in worth 20.00 new they sell if for 10.00 and give you 5.00.  Except for really pricy items, i've had a few things they knew they'd never get half price for b/c they were expensive items and most people who are shopping at childrens orchard are not looking for high priced items. In those instances I told them to pay me whatever for them b/c it wasn't worth the hassle for me to craigslist it.  

    Overall its an easy way to clean out your house and get a few bucks, certainly not gonna get rich off of it, but usually while they are pricing my stuff i'm walking around buying new things so its usually a wash :)

  • I've had great experiences with Children's Orchard and would say that it is worth it to wait. I have to wait until  11/20 to make my next appt. for December, but it is definitely on my calendar.
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