
For any one who watched 16 and pg

They are now having teen mom with a few of the teens on 16 and pg.

Re: For any one who watched 16 and pg

  • I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm totally going to watch this.
  • I will be watchin it!
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  • I will be watching it to.  I think the new season of 16 and pg will start in Jan aswell.
  • I'm totally going to be watching this. I watched 16 and Pregnant and I love when they do follow up things like this. The couple that gave up their baby for adoption are my favorite (and not b/c of the choice they made b/c I would never be able to make a choice like that) but b/c they both seem to really have a good heads on their shoulders.
  • I think that may be what we are watching now?
  • imageMickschick:
    I'm totally going to be watching this. I watched 16 and Pregnant and I love when they do follow up things like this. The couple that gave up their baby for adoption are my favorite (and not b/c of the choice they made b/c I would never be able to make a choice like that) but b/c they both seem to really have a good heads on their shoulders.

    I agree...

    OK, maybe we aren't watching this right now.. I do not know what we are watching.

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