Just curious if you have any ideas for games. I'm looking for things that are kinda different (that I couldn't easily find on google). I'm planning a shower for my best friend, so any ideas will be greatly appreciated!
A real easy one is for mom-to-be to carry around a tray filled with small baby-related items (about 20). Tell the people to make sure to try and remember everything they can.Make sure she stops in front of each guest for a couple of seconds so they can take a look. Once she leaves the room...you ask questions about the mom-to-be. Was her hair up or down, did she have earrings in, how many, did she have a ring on her finger, how many, what color were her shoes, did her top/dress have buttons, a tie, what color was it, etc. It is hilarious because everyone is concentrating so much on the tray they don't even pay attention to the mom-to-be. Of course the guest with the most right...wins.
I love doing the baby food game. You take 5 or so different flavors of baby food, take the labels off and pass them around. Everyone has to guess the flavor by color, smell, taste.
I went to a baby shower yesterday where the hostess brought out several jars of baby food. the game was played in teams, you have each person sit across from their partner. one person in each team is blind folded and that person has to feed their partner the jar of food and be the first one to finish the jar to win. It was so funny. The person that was not blind folded is the one being fed. She would have to move her mouth around to get the bite. I guess this game would depend on what kind of people are at the party. not everyone wanted to participate.
Re: Cute game ideas
I love doing the baby food game. You take 5 or so different flavors of baby food, take the labels off and pass them around. Everyone has to guess the flavor by color, smell, taste.
It's usually pretty fun.