Eco-Friendly Family

Cloth diaper help... I'm desperate!

I am CD my twins, who are formula fed. I am having a difficult time cleaning them after changing the poop diapers. How do you handle the mess of the poop diapers until you are able to wash them? Please give me any CD advice you have. Thanks in advance!!



Re: Cloth diaper help... I'm desperate!

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    DD has been formula fed since the beginning -- we've always plopped the poop into the toilet, then if there was still a lot of stuff left stuck to the diaper, used a plastic knife to scrape some off (we wash the knife in the bathroom sink and reuse it). THen the diaper gets folded "closed" and thrown into the pail til washday. I was every other day..
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    I've heard that some moms just throw them right in the pail and then do a full cold wash before the hot wash to minimize staining. Perhaps someone else will chime in with their experience with this :) 

    You might also try using flushable liners. They'll help to keep their skin dry and will help with the mess.

    Finally, installing a diaper sprayer on your toilet would be another way to spray off the mess. Besides rinsing diapers, I also use mine if we have a blowout and I need to rinse off poopy clothes.  


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    DD has been formula fed since the beginning -- we've always plopped the poop into the toilet, then if there was still a lot of stuff left stuck to the diaper, used a plastic knife to scrape some off (we wash the knife in the bathroom sink and reuse it). THen the diaper gets folded "closed" and thrown into the pail til washday. I was every other day..

    Oh, and yeah -- i do a cold wash (no detergent) first to get any solids out, and then wash hot and double rinse.

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    I have a diaper sprayer and love it!
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    we are finding that the liners work well for us. 

    good luck!


    Our Twin Baby + a Big Girl Blog

    And with the delivery trifecra of one twin vaginal, one c-section with general anesthesia for twin B, Spencer and Sidney joined us at 35 weeks exactly on June 18.

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    Thank you so much for the help! Great ideas... And I just bought the sprayer! We will see how it works! 
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