
what is flickr?

I've heard of it but don't know much about it.  Anyone care to enlighten me? :)

Re: what is flickr?

  • It's a website similiar to shutterfly or photobucket where you can upload your pictures, etc.
  • Its an image sharing site hosted by Yahoo! You can make your pictures private or so only contacts can see them, its free up to a certain amount or you can pay a 1-2 year fee and your uploads will be unlimited
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  • And I can shoot my edited pics straight from Light Room right into my flickr account.  And people can comment on them.
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  • It's a photo sharing site, but there's a lot more to it than Shutterfly or other sites.  There are message boards, and you can join groups for different types of photography.  It's more of a community for amateur photographers. 

  • imageBellisimo:
    And I can shoot my edited pics straight from Light Room right into my flickr account.  And people can comment on them.

    I didn't know you could do that!  Life just got a little easier.

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