Texas Babies

Recommend your daycare please...

I live in NE San Antonio and am researching daycares. I'd prefer in-home, schools or church daycares to chains like La Petite. My LO is 9 wks. Please include prices. Thank you.

Re: Recommend your daycare please...

  • We have DD on the wait list for Concordia Luthern Church Child Care.
  • Im completely on the other side of town, but we are going to be starting at the Promiseland Christian Academy.  They are just opening today I believe and we were one of the 1st to reserve a spot so we are only paying $100 a week for the first year of enrollment.  Our previous sitter is an in-home and we are paying $150 a week.  Good luck in your search, hope you can find something.
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  • I live in Universal City and we go to Texas Heratige Children's Ranch on 1518 in Schertz and we LOVE it!!  The ladies in the infant room are all very nice!  It's a small daycare, they are 501C3, and they charge $165 a week or $640 a month, once you move up to the older kids room you don't have to pay as much.  I'm not sure if you are close to this area but if you like more information please let me know.


  • Way late to this. DS goes to St. Marks UMC daycare. It's $115 per week until 18 months old, then it drops to $105.
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