I am new here and need some help. We are adopting a baby boy that is due at the beginning of Jan!! We are meeting the bm for the first time 2 days after Thanksgiving. She has a 17 month old son and we were thinking about bringing him a little gift when we meet them. Do you think it will be a good idea? The adoption is going to be closed. She has asked me to be in the delivery room and is very excited for us. I am just trying to get some other opinions on this idea.
Our Blessing From God Through Adoption
Our Blessing After TTC for 6 Years (natural birth!)

EBFing, CDing, BWing, SAHM
Re: Meeting BM for the first time!
That's a toughy-but if it were me-yes I would bring her something small and something as well for the little one she has. What-not sure...maybe something like lotions or bath gels, or a journal to write down her thoughts or possibly to write a letter to her little one.
When we sent our BM a package for her birthday we included stuff for her other children.
Good luck!!