
waiting girls... how are you doing?

i just wanted to check in and see.

We are waiting 6 weeks today and i have to say it has flown by. I guess being so busy keeps us preoccupied.

The other day i was sort of "off" as i saw a "Baby's 1st Christmas" stocking and was thinking that last year i was supposed to have that, and the year before and now who knows this year.  

Re: waiting girls... how are you doing?

  • I just wanted to tell you that I'm thinking about you and all the others who are "waiting".  I know how hard it is.  I hope you have a short wait, and it does help to keep busy.  Good Luck!
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  • thank you!

    Being busy really does help. We said last night we couldn't believe we were active on Oct. 2. Time sure does fly. I think one of the hardest parts is that i generally am pretty good on a daily basis. It is when my mom (who from the bottom of her heart) asks if we have heard anything. Poor thing just wants us to be parents so badly. 

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  • I know what you mean.  My mom couldn't wait to be a "nana".  Ben is her one and only grandchild and she spoils him rotten (like she should).  LOL!
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  • I agree we have been waiting a year and the have you heard anything question now gets annoying I tell them no and really do you need to ask the whole worl d will know when we hear anything cause i will be shouting it from roof tops lol
    Proud Momma of our daughter Charlie! She found her forever home August 2010 Hope to be the proud momma of #2 in July
  • Keeping busy really does help. Christmas is the hardest time of year for me. I hope this will be either all of our (all of us waiting)last Christmas without a baby or even first Christmas with a baby.

    I have good days and I have bad days. At work is the hardest time for me. When I'm home I keep very busy. We also have been waiting for 6 weeks. Our active day was Oct. 6th.

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  • October was a hard month for me.  The little boy we were suppose to adopt last year would have been one.  Out of the blue we got a "Happy 1 yr old" birthday card from Toys R Us and I fell apart.  (we had registered with them for a baby shower and then canceled but I guess we are not out of their system)  Christmas is also hard for me but this year we are hoping for a placement by then.  I try to just stay as busy a possible and not think about how long we have been waiting.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I'm in this weird place right now where I worry that no one will ever pick us.  We've only been waiting four months (they told us it could be easily 6-18 months).

    It probably sounds strange, but I feel like if no one picked us right away, there must be something wrong with us and we're not going to get picked.  I was watching an adoption show with a couple in their 50's (for real) who had waited 10 years for a domestic placement.  They seemed happy and vibrant (they now have 2 little kids), but all I could think was, "Please God, don't make me wait that long."

    The worst part for me will be going to games for the basketball team my husband coaches.  A lot of the parents haven't seen me since last season, when we started the adoption process.  I'm not looking forward to explaining that we still don't have a child.


    2 years TTC with 5 losses, 1 year recovering, 6 months applying for adoption approval, and almost a year waiting for a placement. Then, a miracle BFP at age 36!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Good thread....

    I've been better.  I feel the holiday blues sitting in :(

    We're nine months plus....which is significant.  Who doesn't think of babies when you think "nine months"??!  

    At last year's Thanksgiving day, Christmas, Superbowl etc...I would tell DH that next year things will be ________ (insert busy, hectic, good, exciting, etc).  I really thought we'd be matched by Christmas.....But now I don't feel that way.  I am hitting the wall of frustration.  To top it off, I just reformated our profile, ordered a bunch of new ones, paid for overnight shipping....they should be here already but the order now says "cancelled".  I can't get a hold of anyone at Scrapblog.  Their mail box is full.  Grrrrr......


    image Best friends and sisters... 24 months and 16 months
  • oh girls.. i'm sorry. I have my "trigger" moments too.

    color - i know what you mean about feeling rejected. I said something similar to our SW and she reminded me to not take it personally. But it is hard. It makes you wonder.

    silliest - the holidays will be hard. Especially since 3 of my cousins will have infants at the holiday parties this year. It makes everyone ask us what is up with us, even though they know. 

  • This has been on my mind a bit lately, and we are not even officially waiting yet. I try to compare it to pregnancy in the way that there is an inevitable wait. The match may come sooner or later than 9 months, but once the match is made, I assume the birth will be much sooner than 9 months, if that makes sense? So I guess what I am saying is that even though the match may take a while, once it happens, we will be mommies in a fairly short time.
    Photobucket My Favorite Part of Spring~Red Sox Baseball!
  • We're not officially waiting yet either, but I think the holidays will be challenging for us this year.  My sis just had her first baby (my parents' first grandchild) 4 months ago, and my husband's sister is expecting a baby early next year, so our holidays will be spend surrounded by babies and pregnancy.  It's very bittersweet for me.  I'd like to tell myself that we might be in that place ourselves next year, but due to the glacial pace of our adoption path (we're trying to save money for it right now), I don't really think that will be the case.

    I can't believe how fast this year has flown, and that I'm no closer to being a mom than I was a year ago (well, I supposed technically I am, since every day is a day closer, but you guys know what I mean...).

    *TTC since February 08* 2 IUIs that didn't take, exploratory LAP and hysterscopy in September 2010 that revealed nothing, means we're adopting! Preliminary paper work to agency & started home study in 11/10 Profiles to agency on 1/12/11 - Officially waiting! First home study visit scheduled for 1/29/11 Matched (Eek!) on 1/24/11 *Sweet baby boy born on 1/26/11* Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My heart goes out to all of you ladies that are waiting. I have been waiting for a match for 2 months 2 weeks and five days. I understand how frustrating adoption can be sometimes, with all of the waiting and the delays along the way. Maybe alot of you might have been wishfully thinking that we would have had our child/ren home for Christmas. Time flies by so quickly. All of this waiting will be so worth it in the end. All I can say is do whatever it is that you ladies do to keep busy and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
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