A friend of mine is going through some girl names and she mentioned she liked Rosalind. Her H is hispanic and they like the spanish meaning "red dragon." How does this name mean Red Dragon? Sure enough, on Name Berry that is the meaning but elsewhere it means fair rose or something to do with the flower. Is a red rose likened to a dragon? I know this is random but it is just to satisfy my curiosity.
Re: meaning of Rosalind ?
Rosalinda = rosa + linda
rosa- rose or flower, could be pink/red as well
linda- beautiful, pretty
I have no idea where dragon comes in...?
It kind of depends on what language history you're looking at. Linda can be linked to "serpent" etymologically, which (I'm guessing) is where the dragon part comes from.
Rosalind also has old connections to horses (https://www.behindthename.com/name/rosalind), not that anyone thinks of horses when they hear this name now.