
Master down all other beds up?

We are looking at building and this is what we want but right now with the kids so small I think it will be difficult.  What do you do if this is the case for you?  Do you let the kids sleep upstairs by themselves?  Both kids at this point still wake in the middle of the night and come to our bed which we will need to do something about if they are upstairs and we are downstairs (part of me is hoping they will out grow it before we move which is a year but I think that is wishful thinking :o). 
Mommy to DS1 ~10.11.05~ DD1 ~07.22.07~ DD2 ~09.10.10~

Re: Master down all other beds up?

  • The house we grew up in was like this, and as is my dream house. I really want a house where all the kids and their stuff is upstairs.
  • Our master is upstairs and both of our girls have rooms downstairs.  My older DD will come upstairs when she wakes in the morning.  Younger DD is still in a crib so we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

    So far it has worked out fine for us.  The hardest part is keeping the older one quiet while we get ready for bed since her sister is already asleep.

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  • I don't like bedrooms on separate floors. We're going to be house hunting, and that's a deal breaker for me.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • imageAndrewsgal:
    The house we grew up in was like this, and as is my dream house. I really want a house where all the kids and their stuff is upstairs.


    All our bedrooms are downstairs and I hate it. I even though the kids are on the opposite side they are close to the kitchen. Which means cleaning quietly sucks.

  • imagepincushions:

    The house we grew up in was like this, and as is my dream house. I really want a house where all the kids and their stuff is upstairs.


    All our bedrooms are downstairs and I hate it. I even though the kids are on the opposite side they are close to the kitchen. Which means cleaning quietly sucks.

    Ours, too. My brother has the master on the main and the kids upstairs and that would be great for us, but our kids don't come to bed with us. DD can't get out of her room at night and once she can open the knob cover on her door I won't worry about her on the stairs alone at night.

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