Pennsylvania Babies

Anyone deliver at Hershey Med?

I am going to be switching insurance and will have to deliver at Hershey Med. Can anyone tell me the pros and cons of Hershey? Everyone I know went to Harrisburg. From the little I can tell on the website you get private rooms but have to switch after delivery.


Re: Anyone deliver at Hershey Med?

  • I didn't deliver there, but my son was a patient there when he was 6 months old and very sick. Their NICU has the best reputation around (not something you want to use, but good to know if you need to) and my experience with everyone was as good as it could have been, considering my baby was a patient. If we planned to have another, I would be very happy to deliver there from what I've heard and experienced.

    It is a teaching hospital, so when anyone came to see us, the room was full of students, interns, residents, etc., more than you see on Grey's, but that was fine. I kind of felt like less would be missed with more people listening to us and writing notes about Adam's condition.

    I delivered at Hbg, and we also had to move rooms after delivery, which was not a big deal at all.

  • Thanks, we've been there for other things too. I like that they have private rooms but none of the times my sister delivered at HBG did she have to move. Not really a big deal. I do like that they have the NICU there just in case.

    I TOTALLY forgot about the teaching aspect though. I found this annoying when we were there other times. I can't imagine all of those people in there while I am in labor. When we were in the ER everything was just done twice but we didn't have a bunch of people in there. A student did it, then a dr came and did it and so on.

    Oh well, it's not like we really have a choice. We have to go there to have insurance totally cover everything.

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  • I delivered at Hershey and loved the hospital.  When I was in L&D being induced, my mother and sister dropped by and they asked me before letting them come back.  I ended up getting an emergency C/S due to my son not tolerating the contractions on the very little pitocin they were giving me.  The L&D rooms are huge and really nice, the post partum room are a lot smaller, but they are the standard rooms.  I also liked that it was a visitor controlled area that the visitor needs to be buzzed in and just cannot walk in.  My son was in the NICU so he did not room in, but that aside it was not bad.   My husband stayed with me the first 2 nights, the food is pretty good and I always ordered extra so I had snacks.  They lent me a breast pump and had the LC come in and work with me.  It is not the Hershey Lodge, but as far as hospitals go I was extremely happy and the doctors/nurses are second to none.
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  • I delivered at Hershey.  You do have to move rooms, but it's not that big a deal.  Just make sure to keep all your stuff in one corner!  My Blackberry was in the bed with me and ended up getting scooped up in all the linens.  Thankfully, the laundry folks found it the next day. :)

    The teaching aspect of the hospital actually appeals to me, but I know I'm in the minority.  Only time it was annoying was when they'd wake me up in the middle of the night to check my stats -- they always did it twice, about an hour in-between the resident and the doc, so I had to wake up twice.

    The nurses are great, as are the lactation consultants.  And Hershey has two mom's groups that I've found really, really helpful in the first few months -- one is a Tuesday morning breastfeeding support group, the other a Thursday morning new mom group.  Both are great excuses to get out of the house and learn that you're not alone in the trials and tribulations of raising an infant!

  • I delivered at Hershey and had a great experience. 

    Moving rooms really wasn't a big deal at all.  Honestly I think it made complete sense to have the delivery rooms in a different location from the postpartum rooms.  Who wants to be woken up postpartum to the sounds of someone else in labor?  The post rooms are smaller but sufficient. If your DH will be staying over let the nurse know and she'll get you a reclining chair for him to use.

    I also didn't mind the teaching hospital aspect.  There were three doctors present for my delivery.  Two residents (one first year and one third year) delivering and an attending standing over them.  There was also one nurse and my husband in the room.   I'll be honest one first year resident I had checking my cervix was not confident in herself at all and after she would check me the nurse would check and have a more experienced resident or attending re-check if she thought the first year was incorrect or unsure.

    That being said I cannot say enough great things about the nursing staff . . especially in labor and delivery.  My nurse was above and beyond the very best part of my experience at Hershey.  She was encouraging, helpful, personable and caring.  

    Like pp said I also liked that it was secure and visitors couldn't just come and go as they pleased.  They had to be checked in, buzzed in and even then the nurse would come in and ask before allowing them in the room.  I appreciated that alot.

    I thought the food and selection was great and you could very well order more than you would be able to eat. 

    We had our son room in with us (which they do recommend) though the nursery is open at night if you need it.

    My one gripe was that since our son was born on the weekend the lactation consultant wasn't available and we seen her Monday before we were discharged.  Things with BFing were/are going fine but I would have liked to have her there from the start to answer any questions rather than have her input on day 3.

  • Thank you for the feedback, it sounds great! Now I am not so sure we will be switching insurance, lol. But if we do, I am reassured now. Thanks again!
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