
The dreaded question

I got asked yesterday if 'twins run in our family'. By a FATHER OF TWINS! You would think he'd been asked that so much he would know how annoying that question is. I answered like I always do to people I don't want to offend....'yes, they do, on DH's side, but we needed help to get these'.
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Re: The dreaded question

  • I get asked this all the time.  It's so annoying.  My brothers are twins (fraternal) and they were conceived with the help of injectibles.  My twins (identical) were conceived with the help of IVF/FET.  It's way too complicated to explain, so I just say "no."

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • yeah- people are dumb.

    I usually just say "they do now" if i'm not in the mood to talk about my IF - which i am very open about- sometimes i just don't want to talk at all!

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  • In the interest of full disclosure, before I got pregnant we these twins I actually asked someone else if twins ran in her family. It was a sincere question; they run in my family, so I was just curious. She was very up front about having IVF, and I realized then that it was kind of invasive.  Now I know better. :)
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Everytime someone finds out that is what I get asked. Indifferent Really people?

    I try to smile and say "They sure do!"

    IVF#1 - 2 Blast Transfered = BFP!!! Identical Triplets&Fraternal = QUADS!! imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Yup that question gets old. I am usually up front about my IF treatments, but sometimes i just don't want to get into it with complete strangers you know. So i smile and say "Yes they do" which is true.
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  • it's an irritating question, because it is asked so much, but i don't think anyone ever means any harm. i just think people are curious. 
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  • If it is a stranger, I say "they do" and move on.  It is the truth, since my MIL is a twin, BUT we all know it had nothing to do with it.  It is none of their business.

    In the interest of full disclosure, as the pp, I also have asked someone if twins run in their family once before (several years ago before I was ttc).  I feel so terrible about it now, but I really was curious if they ran in this family (was not at all even thinking about fert. drugs) and it had to do with something that happened in college.  When I was in college, my friend and I went to a psychic for Haloween.  He told me then that I would have twins at the age of 29 (he was a year off).  I argued with him, saying no way, they don't run in my family, and that I'm too small to carry twins.  He insisted (and actually got kind of short with me).  Now, here I am... And I wish I knew who in the world that psychic was!!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yeah, you'd think he would know better.

    I usually say either, "They do now," or "There was a set on my mom's side but it's been a few generations" or "Why do you ask?"

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I'm an identical twin, so when I tell people I'm having twins, they go, OF COURSE you are!  Ugh!  I've stopped explaining that identical twins are a fluke, and the only reason we do is we put them there.  Two in, two out.  That was the hopeful and optimistic result.

    Now I just say, yep, it's pretty cool!  And leave it at that. 

    Rose Proud momma of twin girls born 5/12/10
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