I just have to say that I LOVE your new siggy pic! You look beautiful!!
Also, even though we don't know each other really at all, I really enjoy following your blog - especially now that I know I'm on Team Blue. It's neat to get some insights into the day-to-day life of raising a boy - and soon to be two boys! So thanks for sharing that with me, even if I am a stranger.
Re: **char-char**
AW! Thank you!!! That is so sweet of you.....Sara with SDS Photography did my maternity photos and I loved the way they turned out!
I'm glad to hear you enjoy our blog....I've been quite distracted and behind these days in posting, but hope to get back on track soon. It's definitely going to be a whole new adventure once baby boy gets here and I'm a momma of two boys, but I'm hoping for interesting in a good way, ha! Congratulations on your healthy baby boy! My son is great and is SUCH a little mama's boy! My DH actually gets a bit jealous sometimes because oftentimes he only wants me to do certain things for him and he prefers to snuggle with me, etc. I've always ideally wanted 2 boys and then a girl and in that order, so we shall see if I ever get that little girl, but for now I am thrilled that I will have my 2 little boys to dote on! I'm sure I'll have lots of fun stories and adventures to share once the new baby is here though.