He had his two month appt today and weighs in at a whopping 14lb 5oz and is 24 inches long. He's gained 5.9 lbs in two months and has grown 4.5 inches.
The doctor says he's 100% perfect and healthy and that I should have some rocking guns from carrying this beast of a baby.
Re: So, add Cullen to the monster baby club!
Do you have a more recent pic? Isn't that an "oldish" one in your sig?
(it's super cute though)
Ami - yes...I think he was only 3 - 4 weeks in that picture (he's 10 weeks now). I need to post a new one so you can see how huge he is.
yes please do!
And I should mention... I'm so jealous of his name, I love it! But.. DH would never agree. blasted dh.
Liam is 5!