
Which would be better for building core strength?

One of my little guys has always had some muscle tone issues. He's only had 3 weeks of PT because he's met all of his milestones on time. His pedi is a bit concerned about his tone, but we're having trouble getting a PT to agree that he needs some help since he's hitting milestones.

 So, it occured to me that getting him into a toddler exercise class would help him quite a bit. I'm having trouble deciding between a swim class or a baby gym class.  They cost about the same per month, but the baby gym class is 1 hr/week while the swimming class is 30 min/week. 

 Which do you think would be better?

Re: Which would be better for building core strength?

  • I would do the swim class, but I have access to a pool on a fairly regular basis. I'd pay attention to what they have him do in the class and work with him at other times as well...
  • My DS loves swimming and would prefer that.  I think it really helps with core strength and balance as well. 

    Maybe you could do a sample class of both and see if he prefers one over the other.

    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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  • I don't have any input on the classes, but I did want to throw out an idea that really helped Aubrey build her core that you can do at home: use an exercise ball.  Simply sitting LO on the ball in an upright position then tipping LO from side to side will force LO to use their core.  Also putting LO on his tummy on the ball and moving the ball back and forth while they're lifting their head works great too.  Aubrey loved her time on the exercise ball.  We'd sit behind her then she would twist side to side to look at us and get kisses.  Another really basic thing we would do with her were baby crunches.  Yes, good ol' sit ups.  Hold her hands and have her pull up.  We made it into a game and she thought it was hilarious!  GL!
  • of those two, I'd do the swim class.

    Ditto the ball, though. Robbie does the ball in OT a lot. They also have a Rody that Robbie thinks is the greatest thing EVER.

    And a thing I call the giant salad bowl that they spin Robbie in. It's all core stuff.



  • Not sure which class I would prefer, but I also support the idea of using an exercise ball!  It did wonders for Keira!  I would add the suggestion to not blow the ball up completely though.  We left it just a little soft so that she would sink down into it a little rather than sit firmly on top of it while we were doing the twists pmpk described.  Keira loved to sit on it facing me and then (with me holding her hips) lay all the way back (so she is practically hanging upside down) and then slowly pull herself up while I tipped her hips from one side to the other.  It really, really helped.  We did it every day for as long as she would tolerate.  
    Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06 Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
  • Thanks so much for the suggestion of the exercise ball! We'll buy one tomorrow.

    Ugh, I wish money was no object. I really would like to get my kids into both classes, but we just can't afford it. Poop on that!

  • We bought our exercise ball at Five Below.  Do you have one of those stores near you?  Love the exercise ball.

    I can't compare the two classes as we havent' done the swimming one yet, but my suggestion would be to do the gym class in the winter months and swimming in the warmer post-cold/flu/RSV season because while they have chemicals in the pool the water and increased mold in the pool area will encourage bacteria and illness.  At least that's what the Pedi told us when I mentioned a swim class once our gym class was over.  I think you can't go wrong with either class to build core strength though.  

    One other thing to consider is that you might be able to do the gym class better by yourself because you can get help easier for the other baby than if you go to the pool class.  Just a thought....

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