
I think I have the opposite of an anxiety disorder

Re: I think I have the opposite of an anxiety disorder

  • as I was saying:

    I was reading some of the posts below about how worried people are about something happening to their kids.  I of course get nervous when they get fevers but I rarely get worried about falls.  I have only once called the doctor about a fall and it was when my DS fell out of the shopping cart onto his head at the mall.  

    Am I the only one who doesn't really get upset over falls and stuff or am I just a bad mom?

  • oh and another thought about this, when I was taking oxycodone this summer for my broken arm I really didn't react to anything the boys were doing!!  I had my mom with me because I was not a responsible parent at the time.  
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  • I am with you. Not about the oxycodone, but the rest of it. LOL

    I think that some people (including my husband, btw) equate high anxiety with being a good parent. The more you worry and obsess, the better you are.

    I am more of a "don't borrow trouble" kind of person.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • DH and I are very laid back. We were laughing yesterday about our reactions. I, of course, kiss booboos, but I don't just run as fast as I can any time I hear someone cry. I can read the cry, and can usually tell when it's bad. I have a friend who is SO dramatic when her kids just trip and fall on their bottoms, and I'm definitely the opposite.
  • I'm the same way. I can honestly say that I really don't worry or fret about my kids very much- I know they're tough and resilient and we take reasonable (but not over-the-top) safety precautions, so why kill myself with anxiety? 

    Besides, I figure that I should save my worries and anxiety for when they're teenagers. This baby/preschooler stuff is fairly easy, IMO. It's the teen years that I dread and know that I'll be a total worry-wart then: kids learning to drive, making decisions that can have a profound impact on the rest of their lives, sex, and all that other fun stuff to navigate. I really think it will make these early years pale in comparison. 


  • I'm the same way, my DH and I are pretty laid back. Kids fall, they bonk their heads and get scraped knees, its a part of childhood. The only time I really worry is if its a serious injury, obviously, like when DD broke her arm at school. Even breaks are apart of childhood. Obviously as a mom we don't want our kids to get hurt but they will no matter how many precautions we take. And I don't run to their side every time they fall over, if they cry out of pain thats one thing but I'm not going to fret over every fall, scrap, and bumped head.
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