Someone got K a Barbie computer for her birthday, and she really likes it. It has games, like "find the letter" and it keeps track of how many they find in a certain amount of time. Most of the games are age-appropriate for her right now: counting shapes, etc.
DD got the Leap frog, scribble and write, and she loves that thing, brings it with her on every car trip. It isn't a computer, per se, but it is electronic. Bonus is that she is now writing letters!
I second the scribble and write! It's great, and DS loves it! It's not a computer program, but costs the same as one and it's small enough to take in the car, shopping, etc.
Re: please rec toddler toy computer
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
I second the scribble and write! It's great, and DS loves it! It's not a computer program, but costs the same as one and it's small enough to take in the car, shopping, etc.