
I think I have diabetes.

Which would really suck because I have always prided myself on the fact that although I'm fat, I'm healthy.  I can run (well, sort of!)....I can go up the stairs w/out getting winded, I have no medical conditions, etc.

Just fat.

Well, as of late, I've been feeling it.  My knees have been hurting and now I think I have diabetes.

Or better yet -- diagnose me.  I am so swollen.  All the time.  It's been BAD the last week or so.  And just before dinner, I broke out in to a cold sweat.  Almost passed out.  Had to eat some sugar to get myself back in check.  (That screams diabetes to me but maybe it's something else?!?).  This used to happen --- but not as often as it has been happening lately.  And not nearly as bad.  I mean, I felt lightheaded and like I was going to lose it --- this is probably the 3rd or 4th time that has happened in the last month. 

Re: I think I have diabetes.

  • I'm not really familiar with the symptoms of diabetes, though I should be, since several people on my dad's side of the family had/have it. That doesn't sound good though. Are you going in for some tests??
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • thyroid maybe? I'd go and get it checked though. Maybe eat small meals all day long.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • Low blood sugar? Do you eat enough during the day? I have low blood sugar and if I dont eat I get dizzy and light headed and sweaty. Too much caffeine does it as well.

    Go for a blood test. I think it is similiar to the 3 hour GD test.

    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
  • Sounds like a trip to the Dr. is in order.
  • What's your sodium intake and bp? ?My first thought with swollen was you have too much salt in your diet? ?That can cause high bp, swelling, etc and make you feel like crap.?

  • I think you would be peeing alot more then usual, very thirsty, and sleepy.  I think. 
  • Yep, I think a doctor appt is what you need.  Some tests will be able to tell you what's up.
  • I'm not sure--but get yourself to the doctor. It could be anything.
  • Please get yourself to a doctor soon, Jodie.  Take care of yourself and make sure it is nothing to worry about.
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • I don't have a primary care --- but did make an appt with one on 12/22.  That was the soonest they could get me in.  That's just a consult and then from there, I schedule a physical.  So it's going to be a good two months before I get any testing done.

    If it gets worse, I'll figure something else out.

    I have been drinking WAY more coffee than usual (damn you KCUP machine)!  :)

    Today, I had coffee this morning. Then had clam chowder (high in sodium -- it was a can) and then nothing until I had to have a sugar cookie in order to get rid of the sweats, etc.  But I'm thinking coffee might be it.  Now that someone mentioned that, I'm pretty sure every time this happened, I had a lot of coffee that day?!!?  Hhmmmm....but what would that be really?  Just too much caffeine for my system to process??

  • Oh, and I'm not peeing more than usual but I am damn thirsty. And the other day, I slept 11 hours. HUH!? I don't ever do that. But I just couldn't seem to get up that morning. And mornings have been tough. Even this morning, after 9 hours of sleep, I was still tired!?!??!
  • Do you have or could you get access to a glucometer?  You could check your fasting blood sugar yourself.  Certainly if it's high (or low) I'd be asking to move that appt up. 
  • Jodi - the sweaty faint feeling is LOW blood sugar. ?It means you either ate crap and crashed from it, or waited too long between meals. ?My mom sis & I all have it. ?And, it's what kept happening to me every time I goofed on my Gest. Diabetes meds and didn't eat enough.

    To solve it, eat more protein, and eat every 2 hours. ?And keep a banana or OJ or as a last resort, soda or candy on hand in case your sugar crashes again. ?

    The swollen/knees, well, have nothing to do with eating other than maybe too much salt, and being big.


  • I will preface this by saying SEE YOUR DOCTOR.

    But, while you are waiting, DRINK MORE WATER! ?Caffeine will dehydrate you, so throw back a few glasses of water during the day. ?And keep tabs on your sodium intake! ?Too much sodium + dehydration = angry kidneys and high blood pressure (which = a whole lot of other bad crap). ?Take care of yourself!!

  • You had coffee and a can of soup all day until dinner??  I'd try eating a healthy reasonable breakfast & lunch before jumping to diabetes.
  • imagedpdw:
    You had coffee and a can of soup all day until dinner??  I'd try eating a healthy reasonable breakfast & lunch before jumping to diabetes.

    I agree with this. It could just be the result of you not taking care of yourself. Try to REALLY take care of yourself until your appointment.

  • get yourself to the doctor ASAP.  it sounds diabetes-ish, but also like it could be high blood pressure.  Both are relatively silent and without symptoms until they are already doing a number on your internal organs.  

    I have had high blood pressure for 10 years (it runs in my family; doesn't matter what I weigh) and it is scary as hell to think of what it does to your body if it's untreated (same w/ diabetes).

    I hope it's nothing but please get it checked out immediately. 

  • DH was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes this year, and it came totally out of the blue.  He used to drink soda by the bucket when he was younger, but his diet now (even before his diagnosis) hasn't been bad.  He could maybe stand to lose 5-10 lbs. without looking sickly, but he's not what anyone would call overweight, and he didn't really have any symptoms that he'd noticed.  After he learned more about it, he realized that his headaches, blurry vision, etc. were probably caused by that, but those are symptoms that are easy to write off (outdated glasses, allergies, whatever).  Get thee to a doctor!
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