Our explanation of benefits came in the mail today and all I can do is

over how much the total is. Thank goodness we have good insurance.
BFP #1: 10/22/07; 12/12/07 - Missed m/c discovered, 12/13/07 - d&c
BFP #2: 9/25/08; 10/27/08 - Blighted ovum discovered, 11/5/08 - b/o confirmed
BFP #3: 1/19/09 - Chemical Pregnancy
BFP #4: 2/12/09; EDD 10/26/09 - Richie born on 9/4/09 at 4 pounds, 10 ounces
BFP #5: 5/27/11; EDD 2/4/12 - Sylvia is on her way!
My Blog Attempt

Re: Hospital stay bill
We were in the same system, so I can about imagine what kind of bill you got!
:: thanks God for insurance ::
Also, at least in MI, if your LO is in the NICU 30+ days you qualify for medicaid regardless of income. They are picking up the remainder of our bill after insurance...but we still have my 6 weeks of hospital bedrest + c/s bill to tend with.