
What do you do about kids fighting?

It is driving me crazy!  My 4 y/o is always trying to torment his 2 y/o sister, especially in the afternoon when he is tired.  He isn't so great at using his words and she is a screamer, sometimes justified, sometimes not.  They do play nicely sometimes, but if they start to rough house or chase each other it quickly turns bad.  I feel like I've tried everything, time outs, making them hug each other/say sorry/etc., leaving them alone, redirecting them, reasoning with them, using reverse psychology, splitting them up, making them talk about their feelings ... nothing works.  I recognize that some amount of fighting/arguing is going to happen, but this goes on all afternoon long. 

What else can I do?

DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12

Re: What do you do about kids fighting?

  • I could have written this exact post word for word (except I don't stay at home during the week)! My kids are 4 and 2 (boy and girl) and they fight constantly with DD crying on the drop of a hat. I too have tried all you have done to no avail. I am sorry I don't have an answer for you as it sounds you have tried everything but just so you know you aren't in it alone (at least that helps me :o) I do notice they play nicer when they are apart from eachother.  On the weekends sometimes DH will take one and I will take the other and I guess "missing" the other makes it easier??  I also play the big brother card and who is bigger and being careful etc.  Good luck and keep doing what you are doing - it should stick one day :o)
    Mommy to DS1 ~10.11.05~ DD1 ~07.22.07~ DD2 ~09.10.10~
  • I don't SAH either, this is just what happens in the afternoon when I'm home and on Fridays and weekends when they're home with me.  The afternoons are the worst b/c DS is tired.  Maybe it's the ages?  Mine are about the same ages as yours.  It is good to know I'm not alone.  I was beginning to think there was either something wrong with me or my kids!
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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