
What are you getting Preschool teachers for Christmas?

Her teacher is so cute and good with the kids. We don't have much for great shopping around here. We have one department store and maurices. I don't think she drinks coffee so starbucks it out.

Would it be dumb to get her some nice shampoo and conditioner?

Any other ideas.

ETA: my mom and sister are both teachers so I want to do somthing other than teacher junk and lotion.

Re: What are you getting Preschool teachers for Christmas?

  • B&BW hand sanitizer with a small GC for Target...not sure how much money yet.  And a nice hand written note telling them now happy we are.  And a Melissa and Doug gift for the classroom.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • What is B&BW?

    Good thinking on the target card, even though ours is 45min away. I always forget about that.

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  • Shampoo and conditioner seem... IDK, too personal or something? Although I guess I don't know why I think that since I wouldn't say that about lotion.

    I still don't know what we're going to do. Definitely a personalized note for each of them (he has 4 teachers). I'm not sure how much more we can afford. I'll probably get them GCs to somewhere (Target's a good idea) since I really don't know what they enjoy outside of the classroom.

    ETA: Haha, I just saw your comment about lotion! And I wouldn't do lotion. I was a teacher for awhile and I got so much stuff like that. I would love to do something more personal than a GC, but I also don't want to give them junk that they won't use.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • I give a gift card to the grocery.  Both DD's teachers have big families, so they do a lot of entertaining around the holidays, so extra food bills.  They don't make much. 
  • imageJOEBunny:
    I give a gift card to the grocery.  Both DD's teachers have big families, so they do a lot of entertaining around the holidays, so extra food bills.  They don't make much. 

    I know, I always told people a gc to the grocery store when they asked me what to get my sister. Maybe I will just take some of my own advice.

  • I'm giving mine two pints of homemade ice cream, and an Olive Garden (her favorite) gift card.  Plus, a free babysitting offer so her and her dh can use the gc on themselves.
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