Maryland Babies

Pediatric Neurologist - reccomendation?

Good morning!  My 2.5 year old son has been complaining about his head hurting for the last few weeks.  He has no other symptoms and will say "my head hurts" then go about his usual business of playing.  He has not suffered from a fall or any head injury.  To be safe, I want to take him to a pediatric neurologist for a scan or MRI.  Any recommendations for a doctor??  We live in Anne Arundel County.  Thank you in advance!!

Re: Pediatric Neurologist - reccomendation?

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    As a mom of a child who has epilepsy, I would start with your regular pedi and go from there.  I personally don't think they will just do an MRI if your son is complaining of his head hurting.  Reason being it is A LOT of radiation that you are subjecting a child to if the Dr. doesn't see it is warrented.  Have you tried giving him some over the counter pain medication?  Could it be a phase that he is going through???  Hope you get some answers and you little one if fine!
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    As a mom of a child who has epilepsy, I would start with your regular pedi and go from there.  I personally don't think they will just do an MRI if your son is complaining of his head hurting.  Reason being it is A LOT of radiation that you are subjecting a child to if the Dr. doesn't see it is warrented.  Have you tried giving him some over the counter pain medication?  Could it be a phase that he is going through???  Hope you get some answers and your little one if fine!
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     I have had migraines since I was 5 years old.  When I was first diagnosed the doctor had me keep a diary of food items, activities, etc?  and we went from there.  We found out that some food items were triggers for me, along with allergies. I did not have my first MRI or scan until I was much older, although that was many years ago and lots have changed.  Talk to your ped. If he or she is not recommending a doc to you and you don?t need a referral check the Johns Hopkins Children?s center or the Children?s Hospital at Sinai.

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    Thank you both for your responses.  I took him Wed and he has severe allergies that affect his sinus cavities.  He started Rhinocort and Claritin.  The drs said he was filled with mucus and since the headaches do not come with any other symptoms and are not incapacitating and he "plays through them," he had no concern.  I cannot tell you how much of a weight was lifted off of my chest.  I teared up just thinking about it...He said by next month when the mold season dies down, he should stop complaining as much.
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    I am so happy to hear the good news.  The mold that grows on the dead leaves is my worst allergy; this time of year sucks.  Not sure if your doctor suggested this, but my friend does a nasal irrigation on her two-year old who has allergies but beware it takes three of them to do it.  Her mil does the actual irrigation while she and her DH hold him and keep him calm.  She says it has done wonders with her DS.  Good luck

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