Did I miss your announcement? Or did I already say congrats and am just having a pregnancy-brain moment? I haven't been around much lately. Anyway, congrats!!!! So excited for you! H&H 9 months (well, 7 now, right?).
Thanks so much! I think you may have already congratulated me but I appreciate the second round of good wishes I hear you on the pregnancy brain. It's happening already for me.
We were all convinced this LO was a girl... I had a dream just last night or the night before that they did another u/s and found out it was a girl. Totally weird since I'm assured he's all boy... You never know.
Re: ************Anne**********
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
I swear. I think I'd forget my own name some days! Totally crazy. And the other two kids don't help. When's your EDD? DD#1 was due June 6th.
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005