South Jersey Babies


I feel like I've been paging you a lot, lol.

Anyway, are you planning on getting an epi or wll you try to go unmedicated?

I ask because I have 2 books --

Ina May's Guide to Child Birth

and The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth

and no one who needs them, so I thought I'd offer them up on here.

I had dreams of having a med free birth when I had Olivia so I read up... but I got the epi again anyway, lol.

Let me know!

Re: ~~~JinsWifey~~~

  • I still have to meet with the peri in a few weeks but i am almost positive we will be scheduled for a c-section due to my ashermans and hx of retained placenta after both of my losses..If i have a vaginal birth then i plan on getting an epi!!!! No med free birth for
  • Can't say I blame you, lol.

    Good luck w/the peri!

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