
boy potty training progress and ?'s

For about a month DS has been increasingly using the potty.  He is able to be accident free almost all the time now.  We went to church and the store without a diaper and he did great.  We are diaper free most of the day now.  I have a few questions:

1.  DS doesn't like underwear.  I think it feels small.  He's been going commando.  I bought boxers hoping he likes those better.  What are your experiences?

2.  He likes his little potty and is not very receptive to the big potty.  How/when do you transition, and in the meantime what do you do when you are out and about?

3.  He hasn't pooped yet in the potty.  any tricks to get him to do this?  He totally knows when he has to go.  He'll usually go in his diaper in the morning before we get him out of bed.  yesterday he was asking for a diaper.  We encouraged him to use the potty, but he went in his pants instead...

Re: boy potty training progress and ?'s

  • 1.  Does he like certain characters?  That got my DS liking undewear.  We did not get boxers, yet.  My DH doesn't wear them so DS probably won't either...until he is older and can tell us he wants those.  What size underwear are you getting.  Maybe they are too small?

    2.  Just keep using the little potty since he is comfortable with it.  He probably likes the fact that his feet touch the ground which actually makes it easier to go poop...IMO.  We bought a fold up potty ring (fits in my a plastic bag).  We are (and were) out and about a lot so he got used to it right away.  Now he has no problem going on any toilet.

    3.  We gave DS prunes and lots of other fruits and fiber.  There was no way he was going to hold it in.  lol  If you know your DS goes first thing in the morning I'd have him just sit on the potty (especially if you see "signs").  You just have to be really diligent and consistent.  If he will watch TV first thing in the morning sit him on his potty with a bowl of dry cereal to keep him there.  Eventually, he'll go and once he does make a really big thing about it.  GL

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