Baby Names

Random thought--you might not care

...but I'm 9 months pregnant and bored.

I was wondering why all of a sudden Collin (in the last year or two) with two Ls is picking up steam and Colin with one L is stable, or dropping. We deliberately chose one L for our son because we thought it would be easier for him since it was more popular.

Then, I remembered someone saying there is a Colin/Collin in Twilight, and sure enough, the one in the book has two Ls (at least when I googled it).  That has to have something to do with it, given all of the other Twilight S/Os there are. 

I've never read Twilight so I don't know the whole scoop on that.

Anyway, sharing my random thought. Thanks for indulging me. 

Re: Random thought--you might not care

  • I can't speak for everyone, but I prefer Collin over Colin only because Colin reminds me of Colon. But even spelled as Colin, I think it's a great name.
  • Yeah, but in the entire SSA history, Colin has always been more popular, and then suddenly Colin with one L drops as two Ls pick up, apparently right when this character was introduced into Twilight.

    I don't care which one someone likes better-we literally just went with the one we thought was easier. Well, and Colin Firth. Smile And I'm not bitter or regretful, just amused. 

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  • I read Twilight and I don't remember a character named Collin. I know the vampire's last names were Cullen...
  • I prefer Colin over Collin...the latter reminds me too much of Colleen. 
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  • Actually, one of the Gosselin kids is named Collin-maybe that has something to do with it gaining popularity. I don't recall one in Twilight- but if there was, that could help explain it as well.


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagestarsmaycollide:

    Actually, one of the Gosselin kids is named Collin-maybe that has something to do with it gaining popularity. I don't recall one in Twilight- but if there was, that could help explain it as well.


    I also thought of the Gosselins. I googled it just to see and there is a Collin in the last two Twilight books. I'm thinking it's probably the combination of the two that has increased the popularity. 

  • It is amazing how popular culture affects names.  My niece is named Luna (she was born in 2001).   The name Luna didn't show up in the top 1000 SSA baby name rankings until 2003.  Then it started creeping up there in popularity fast!  It's climb interestingly coincides with the first appearance of Luna Lovegood in the book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" in 2003.


    Popularity of the female name Luna
    Year of birth Rank
    2008 399
    2007 453
    2006 515
    2005 592
    2004 723
    2003 890
    Note: Rank 1 is the most popular, rank 2 is the next most popular, and so forth. Data are not shown for some of the years you specified because the name Luna was not in the top 1000 names for those years. Name data are from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States.
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  • Collin is a minor character in Twilight that was just introduced in the last couple of books. My friend told me about it. The timing is practically uncanny as with the book.

    But I forgot about J+Kate (I don't watch that show). They spell Aidan "Aden" don't they?  So I would avoid any spelling they use if it's a variant. Smile

  • J+K chose the spelling Aaden. Not that that looks any better than Aden though. Stick out tongue
    P - 9/2008
    A - 8/2010
    L - 1/2013
    S - 3/2015
  • I guess I'm going to have to re-read the Twi books again. I recall no Collins/Colins. Hrm.

  • You just ruined my day!  I didn't know it was in Twilight.  I also chose the 1 L because I considered it the "correct" spelling.  It is much higher on the social security list.  I second guessed my spelling a ton and still do because people spell it wrong a lot.  
  • imagestarsmaycollide:

    Actually, one of the Gosselin kids is named Collin-maybe that has something to do with it gaining popularity. I don't recall one in Twilight- but if there was, that could help explain it as well.


    There was an episode back when I used to watch it(before realizing it was all a scam) where Jon met a Collin.  Kate was like "but how was it spelled...with 1 L or 2", like it was less of a name if it only had 1. 

  • I spell Colin like your DS's name. Collin looks wrong to me. Great name BTW!
  • In correct English spelling, one "l" means a hard vowel in front of it; so Colin should be pronounced like Colon. Very Unattractive. However two "l's" suggests a soft vowel in front of it; so Collin is pronounced with the ahhh sound like Dolly. Sorry, can't argue with the English text book.
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  • I personaly like Collin much better. I went to school with a Colin -- and they always called him Colon. I have a cousin named Collin (i am not sure how many L's.) so that is pretty much my reasoning  -- he is an awful kid (much to do w/his parents).
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