Those pregnant with twins: Did you have any amplified or abnormal symptoms during the first 6 weeks of your pregnancy (anything that made you think you might have twins)? If so, what?
Or, if you had no symptoms different from a woman pregnant with a single baby, when did you find out you had more than one baby on the way?
Re: Question for women pregnant with twins
I found out we were having twins at our u/s at 6w3d. I had no clue it was twins prior to that. Many MoMs here say that they had fewer symptoms with their twins than they did with their singleton. It's different for everyone.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
For the most part there was nothing stand out different the beginning of this pregnancy vs. my singleton. I do remember getting VERY hungry around 7-8 weeks along and thinking, "Wow, it's a little early for this isn't it?".
At 8w I got my first u/s and that's when we saw it was twins. I was shocked!! pretty much that first u/s is the only way you can tell if it's multiples or not. Every pregnancy is different, so differences aren't really an indicator of multiples or not.
Congrats on your pregnancy!!
We didnt know until our 2nd ultrasound and Ive read on here that someone didnt know until their 4th. And Ive had barely any symptoms at all.
With my first (singleton) pregnancy, I didn't have any morning sickness and felt great the entire time. This time around I felt TERRIBLE until @ 16 weeks. But most people I know said that they felt sicker with second (or third, etc) pregnancies, so I didn't think anything of it. That was the only difference.
I never once suspected that we were having twins, and because I didn't have any early/first trimester ultrasounds, we didn't find out until I was @ 18 weeks.
This! We knew there was a chance I was pg, so I was trying to keep track of any symptoms. I had dizziness, full heavy boobs and on and off queasiness starting around 3 weeks after ovulation. Around 4 weeks, morning sickness had kicked in full force, and I was exhausted and horribly moody.
A few other moms on another message board I'm on, were pregnant with twins at the time, so the thought was already in my head. I just couldn't get over the feeling that there might be two. Sure enough, at my first appt at 11 weeks, we saw them right away on U/S.
I had no symptoms in the first 6 weeks. I sincerely doubted I was pregnant and had only the betas to tell me otherwise.
We found out at our 9 week ultrasound--we had ultrasounds before that, but our twins are identical and one baby was hiding behind the other until that ultrasound.
I felt a lot going on down there, but never really thought it would be twins since the IUI we did was unmedicated. I felt sick a lot, but didnt relate that to thinking it was twins.
We found out at my 7 week 2 day u/s. :-)
They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.
My symptoms for this pregnancy were the same as my singleton one.
The only way I knew it was twins was from an early ultrasound. An ultrasound is the only way to know for sure.
Not really, I mean with my DD I got morning sickness about 7/8 weeks. With the twins I got morning sickness almost right off the bat. I didn't think anything of it because I had it the entire pregnancy with my DD.
I also had huge bloat. My first OB appointment was at about 7 weeks or so - and I was up about 15 pounds of my normal weight. But I again just thought that it was normal.
I found out a bit before 12 weeks that it was twins. I didn't suspect a thing.
That was me! We had an u/s at 5w for bleeding, saw 1 yold sac. We had an u/s at 8w and saw 1 HB. We had an u/s at 9w with Dr, and saw 1 HB. Then at 12w we had the down syndrome testing done and was informed at that time we were having twins! Very active twins.
my hCG levels were very low, and i had absolutely no PG symptoms.
the only way i knew i was PG w/ twins was when i found out at my 6w1d u/s. needless to say i was very surprised.