What do you do when your youngest wakes up to eat at an early time then you'd like (like 5am) and that wakes up your older child who refuses to go back to sleep?
DS has screamed in his crib to the point that I go get him and bring him into DD's room until I'm done feeding and changing her, put her back to sleep...but then I'm up for the day, exhausted.
I don't think I can take it any longer...so tired...
Re: How to handle double wake up times?
Lots of white noise.
We ran a humidifier in the toddler's room, a box fan in the hall, and the fan in the bathroom next to the toddler's room to make sure the baby's crying didn't wake him up.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
Can you have your DH help with your older one? That's how it's done in my house. If the girls wake in the middle of the night for any reason, then he takes care of it. I'm on "DS duty" every night (he's 10.5 months and not STTN yet).
It's hard, but it does get better.
My girls are very heavy sleepers so it's been rare that DS has woken them up, but they do wake up from nightmares.........
This is what we did for the first few weeks and I'd PRAY that DD's cries would not wake up DS.
Now they get up at the same time.