
S/O tummy time

I put LO on the boppy for some tummy time. She starts seriously cranking after about 5 minutes but this is much longer than her initial few tries.

-She can lift her head and look around for a few seconds while lying on her back or sitting up when I burp her, but lying on her tummy she has a much harder time.

-When flopped over the boppy she she sretches her legs out and it looks like she's standing from the waist down. It looks so funny to see her tiny little feet "standing" on the floor- meanwhile she's got her top half stretched into a bearhug on the boppy.

Any other suggestions to add some variety? I try to get her to do some tummy time about 2-3x a day and Im slowly trying to increase teh duration of each session Smile

Re: S/O tummy time

  • I found that Andrew could tolerate TT longer if I read to him.  He LOVES to be read to!  Although, he didn't at a month old, but you could try it.

    Other than that, just do TT when you can.  It sounds like she is doing great for her age!  5 minutes is great!


  • a variety of noisy toys and singing always helps our LO.  she hated it at first but has gotten so much stronger/tolerant.

    hope that helps and good luck!

    imageLilypie Premature Baby tickers
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