you know what they say - "sometimes things happen for a reason"
well I'm starting to think that maybe there is blessing behind me not getting pregnant, and my Gyno writing a script for DH to get a SA. Long story short, the Urologist found a tumor in his bladder. He's having it removed 3 weeks from today in the hospital. They don't need to make an incision, but I think DH wishes they would cut him open, considering where they will be going in from.
the Doctor said it is NOT life threatening (THANK GOD), and it's a very good thing it was caught now (no symptoms other than blood in the urine, which can go undetected). But until the results are back from the lab, we will be on pins and needles. I am praying the Doctor is right and that it is what he says.
Hard to believe that all this could come out of a simple SA.
Re: Thank goodness DH went for a SA
I hope that everything comes back okay and you guys can relax.
Exactly what I was thinking. Tell your DH we're all glad he'll be ok.
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
Wow, wow, wow. So glad that you found this out. Sounds like everything is going to be fine - thoughts and prayers being sent your way.
Wow. Good wishes to him for a speedy recovery, and I am so glad they caught it!