Birth Stories

My Birth Story-Induction/GD

I was induced due to having insulin dependent Gestational Diabetes and because at my 37 week ultrasound the baby was measuring over 8 lbs. and his head was measuring 40 weeks. 

We went in at 10am on Sunday October 25th and started Cytotec. I was fingertip dilated and my cervix was thick and long. I got another dose of Cytotec every 4 hours until Monday evening when my contractions were to close together to continue it. As of then my cervix hadn't progressed at all and I was given the choice to go home and rest, or to stay overnight and try again in the morning. I'd been having contraction all throughout the 3rd trimester that never changed my cervix, so I decided to go home. 

Tuesday I had an appointent with my OB and found out that I was almost 3cm dilated at 70% effaced. I was scheduled to go back in Wednesday (the next day) to try the induction again with Cervadil. Tuesday night at around 2 am I started having really strong contractions about every 20 minutes, but because they felt nothing like the contractions I'd been having, I thought they were just cramps from the meds or from dilated. I started having my bloody show tuesday afternoon and it continued into Wednesday. I ended up going to the hospital around 4 pm on Wednesday, since they were busy all day. By then I knew I was in labor. 

My OB checked me at about 6pm and I was 4cm and 90% effaced. At that point they broke my water and found out it had a lot of meconium. My contractions started to pick up and about two hours later I got the epidural because I was having back labor and it was horrible. I visited with my family a little and then the nurses suggested I get some sleep. I started feeling really itchy in numb on my stomach and chest called the nurse. It turns out that the epidural rose into my chest and could've stopped my breathing, and I was allergic to it. I had to sit at a certain angle the rest of the night so it wouldn't rise again and I was given in my IV something to help the itching. After that, the epidural made my blood pressure drop too low and I had to have a shot of ephedrine to bring it back up.

After my water was broke the baby's heartbeat kept dropping from pressure on the cord, so I had to lay on one side and they put monitors in my uterus on the baby to measure my contractions and his heartrate and they started putting fluid back in to cushion the cord. That seemed to do the trick and he was fine after that.

Around 3am they started pitocin because my contractions weren't strong enough to change my cervix anymore even though they were coming one on top of the other. I slept until about 5am when I woke up and moved to get more comfortable. Because of the epidural I no control of my legs and I moved to hard and pulled the IV with me. I felt some pressure and though one of the monitors that were inside me had slipped out, so I called the nurse. 

She checked me out and the monitors were fine, but said that I was complete and that I would be pushing soon. She went to get my OB and I woke up my husband. My OB wanted me to labor down until about 6 to help the baby move into place, so I called my family and let them know. At that point the epidural had started to wear off a little so I had some control of my legs and body back.

At 7 there was a shift change and I got a new nurse who helped me start pushing at about 7:30. I am so glad for that shift change, because I liked my new nurse so much better than the one I had. I pushed for about a half hour before the epidural compltely wore off.

I pushed for 2 hours and Oliver George was born on October 29 at 8:49am. He was 8lbs. 15oz. and 23" long.  I had an episiotomy with 3 stitches. He had some trouble coming out due to his large size, and he had trouble breathing as well. They cleaned him up and let me hold him for a few minutes before they took him to the NICU because of breathing. He was in there for 3 hours before they brought him to my room, but I was so exhausted from delivering him that I barely knew where I was for the first 2 hours of that.

His blood glucose #'s were perfect, but he did end up with Jaundice and had to spend our second night back in the NICU under the lights and that brought it back to normal by the next day and they let us finally go home.

He's been doing great now, and we love him so much!

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