Was wondering how you guys felt about your decisions to have them close together. My DH is 35 and we want another. I don't want to spend the next 5 or 6 years raising babies. However, I am concerned about the financial burden and the emotional stress.
Re: Considering 2 under 2...
This gets asked on here many times. If you scroll down, you'll see answers.
It's a decision that only you and your DH can make.
I am 35 and have 3 kids. They're all basically 1.5 years apart. The second wasn't hard, but the 3rd has thrown both me and DH for a loop. But, we don't know any different. All we know right now is babies! LOL! It's very exhausting for me the first year with a new baby (it's been the same for all 3 kids), but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
It depends on a lot of factors - your personality, your DH's personality, your DC's personality, whether or not you have any help around (we have NONE, which makes it harder), etc.
GL in your decision!
I am almost 8 wks pg with my second. I am thankful I am pg, and we were seeing what happens--it happened the first time--so we were shocked. I really wanted them closer to 22-24 months apart, they will be 18 months apart. I think 18 months is as close as I wouldve liked. IMO I would have never considered having another so early, my biggest fear was 2 u1--and im having 2 u 1.5...it'll be great, but im scared, and already feel guilty that I wont be able to give ds enough of my attention--even now while pg. I feel sick, and tired all the time, and he still gets up in the mid of the night --6 out of 7 nights. Its rough. I know my m/s will end, but its hard. Plus Dh works away for 3 wks at atime, its hard. Like Harriett--I have no help.
I am glad we will have them as babies together and then move on to the next phase of life--where they will be good buddies. Its just hard now...and I know it will be much harder the first 3 plus months.