Two Under 2

Considering 2 under 2...

Was wondering how you guys felt about your decisions to have them close together.  My DH is 35 and we want another.  I don't want to spend the next 5 or 6 years raising babies.  However, I am concerned about the financial burden and the emotional stress.
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Re: Considering 2 under 2...

  • This gets asked on here many times. If you scroll down, you'll see answers.

    It's a decision that only you and your DH can make.

    I am 35 and have 3 kids. They're all basically 1.5 years apart. The second wasn't hard, but the 3rd has thrown both me and DH for a loop. But, we don't know any different. All we know right now is babies! LOL! It's very exhausting for me the first year with a new baby (it's been the same for all 3 kids), but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    It depends on a lot of factors - your personality, your DH's personality, your DC's personality, whether or not you have any help around (we have NONE, which makes it harder), etc.

    GL in your decision! 

    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • thanks for your reply!
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  • I am almost 8 wks pg with my second. I am thankful I am pg, and we were seeing what happens--it happened the first time--so we were shocked. I really wanted them closer to 22-24 months apart, they will be 18 months apart. I think 18 months is as close as I wouldve liked. IMO I would have never considered having another so early, my biggest fear was 2 u1--and im having 2 u'll be great, but im scared, and already feel guilty that I wont be able to give ds enough of my attention--even now while pg. I feel sick, and tired all the time, and he still gets up in the mid of the night --6 out of 7 nights. Its rough.  I know my m/s will end, but its hard. Plus Dh works away for 3 wks at atime, its hard. Like Harriett--I have no help.

    I am glad we will have them as babies together and then move on to the next phase of life--where they will be good buddies. Its just hard now...and I know it will be much harder the first 3 plus months.

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  • I wont is hard!!! But everyday gets a little better and easier. I have a really high maintenence #2 so it makes it tough. I feel like DS1 doesnt get enough attention and I feel guilty....and DS2 doesnt get as much attention as DS1 did when he was a baby so I feel guilty. But I wouldnt change it for the world. I really I hope when DS2 is a little bigger they will be great buddies. And now that am getting sleep again I feel so much better!!!  (Mine are 16 months apart)
  • It's hard. The first 6 months were pretty easy with two, but now that Clara is older she is more demanding and not as easy to just put down when I need to tend to my older DD. Financially I don't really notice an impact. Our insurance went up maybe $20 a month and we had to buy a few new things (big girl bed for Ellie, a double stroller), and we buy more diapers, but it's not making a big difference. But, one ALWAYS needs me and I am depending on DH a lot more then I did with just one. Good luck... it is awesome and I do love it, but it is hard.
  • It has great for use so far. We do have our moments and it's hard from time to time but I lucked and both of my kiddo's are polar opposites (so far). DD is content to chill out in her bouncy seat once she's fed and DS is always go-go-go. They are a great balance.
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