
speaking of names...

So both my husband and I have a lot of J names in our families.  My mom and all her siblings have J names [5 kids total], and my FIL and his siblings all have J names [4 kids total], my MIL and her twin are J names, and they named all of their kids [my husband and his siblings] J names [3 kids total].  Also, some of my husband's aunts/uncles have carried on the J names to their generation too.

Now we didn't really think of this when we named Jackson, b/c Jackson has been my #1 boys name since I was like 9 and saw Steel Magnolias, so we weren't carrying on the J name trend but a lot of people think we were.

What's really odd is that the J name thing is NOT the weirdest thing about names in my husband's family.  His mom is a twin and her twin's name is Jerry, my FIL's name is Jerry and then MIL and FIL named their oldest son Jerry.

Seriously, THREE Jerrys in one small family [my MIL's extended family basically consists of her twin and his wife].  It's bizarre to me.

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Re: speaking of names...

  • It's like the name James in DH's family.  His grandpa was James, and it has been used as either a first or middle name with almost all the kids/grandkids.  Our DS even has James as a mn. 
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  • I so thought this was going to be a BFP post?announcing?that little Brickyard was on his way (what is your crazy boy name again? ?Blackhawk?)?

    And with all those J names, I think you are an honorary Duggar!?

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  • OH dear, I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the Joe's and John's in my family. 
  • You're like the Duggars.  Stick out tongue

    Seriously though, that's pretty crazy.

  • So, you're saying you're related to the Duggars?  Awesome!

    You HAVE to name your next child Jerry....provided that it's a boy.  ;-) 

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  • I know a family that the dad is Gary, Mom Terry, and their boys names are Gary, Terry, Jerry and Kerry.
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  • We might just be related to the Duggars, LOL.

    Hey my grandparents and MH's were trendsetters - the Duggars copied off of them!  :)

    And springmom - no BFP yet, but I'll be sure to announce in a sufficiently exciting way.  Not with Jerry names.  BTW, the name was BLACKFORD and my husband still likes it.

    MH also suggested naming Jackson Jerry when we found out he was a boy.  And then I kicked him in the nuts.  My "real" reason was that he should leave that name for his older brother to use.  haha!

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  • imageeclaires:

    My "real" reason was that he should leave that name for his older brother to use.  haha! 



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