How mad would you be that after leaving your DH home for 7 days he did not bother buying any groceries?
Didn't bother to leave the card?
Is in a group session for the next 4 hours? So I can't get a hold of him.
I can't go to the groceries this evening because I am working.
I can't go to the groceries tomorrow because I have a freelance job from 10-7 45 minutes away.
He had only himself to take care of for those days. I asked him to run one errand USPS related and he "forgot". He did not forget that last night before coming to pick us up at my sister's after a 13 hr car ride that he needed to swing by Home Depot to "grab some things".
Dear DH,
How about making sure your family has their basic needs in the home? How about going to the store and "grabbing something"?
Not to mention that the 2 days before I left he was home "dying" of the flu so I had to babysit his ass too after he was supposed to be watching the kids while I worked.
vent over. I am tired, cranky and _bitchy.
Re: On a scale of 1-10 ?
10 being LIVID?? I would be about a 75. Sorry!
I'm confused.
You mean you share a card to your account? You don't each have your own card? If nothing else can't you write a check? Or use a card to a different account this time? Or just go to the bank and get some cash?
I just can't imagine having to rely on dh to leave me with funds. That sucks.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
My irritation and anger would be waaaay up there on that scale. Why do they choose to be so clueless about those things?
Looks like your DH will be doing some grocery shopping for you in the next day or so. If you think he'll follow through, I'd just leave him a voicemail on what to pick up on the way home.
ETA: I like xbg's answer better and am formally changing my own to the same!
Probably about 100.
but I hate my husband right now, so you know, not the best person to ask.
We don't have 2 cards because we just don't. If I need money I just call him up and have him transfer it into an account that is set up for the kids and my expenses (zoo, playdates, lunch, fun money). Takes like 3 minutes to do. I am just hoping he pops out for a pee break.
I take the card tue and fri for groceries or household errands. I find I spend less if we do it this way. He just forgot. I guess 7 days away from his children struck him stupid.
If I had the card in my wallet I would spend all day .
I think you should call it about even. A black mark for him neglecting to go shopping and one for you for not being able to have better control over your spending. Honestly, I'd be TICKED if my DH couldn't even handle having a single credit or debit card in his wallet and I was responsible for making sure he wasn't constantly overspending.