

Today's FFFC is that I'm pretty jealous of a friend of mine right now. 

She's having twins, and at 31 weeks she had to go on bedrest because she was already dilated to 3 and 75% effaced.  She's now 37w5d and will be giving birth today.  I'd never ever wish the preemie experience on anyone, but I'm jealous that most likely she'll have the experience that I wanted - rooming in, immediate BFing, and bringing her babies home with her. 

Thanks for not flaming my little pity party.  I know I should be grateful (and I am) that DD was healthy and is doing well.  I just still wish things had gone differently. 

:: shakes fist at pre-e :: 


  • ::joins fist shaking::

    It's natural to feel the pangs. It's so hard to see it and think "wow, this is how it SHOULD have been.."


  • ::shaking fist @ pre-e as well::

     A co-worker and I were pregnant at the same time and it was difficult not to compare.  We still do and although her son is 4 months younger than my daughter, he weighs close to her size and wears the same size diaper/clothing.

    We can't have a do-over, we just have to relish the good outcome.  :)

    imageLilypie Premature Baby tickers
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