I think its a phase. DS has called DH by his first name many times, but its usually after I call for him. The other morning, DH had left for school and I was getting DS ready. I heard him running through the house yelling "Sean, where are you?" Its always funny to hear, but I remind him to call us Mommy and Daddy.
Big Brother Logan
Baby Miles
Bryan Smith - Freelance Photography
Ds called me "Jenny" almost exclusively from about 2-4 y/o. Around 4 he started calling me Mommy and now sometimes he actually has to ask me what my real name is, LOL.
She doesn't call us by our first names too much, but she does refer to us that way. She will ask me where Scott went all the time and does the same to him.
I think it may be a phase ... or maybe because DD hears you call each other by your first names. My DD (almost 3) has been calling Daddy "Dabes" for the longest time (his name is Dave). She doesn't call me by my first name,though.
It's a phase. My DD did this for a little while, more so with my husband. My friend's DD did it too for a little while (again more so with the dad, not sure why).
DS has started calling us Daddy Jeffrey and Momma Erica. It's kind of funny. Wierd thing is, I don't call DH by his name, I call him by his nickname so it's really strange that DS uses his full name.
Mostly he calls us "Mom" and "Dad" which people always think is weird...instead of "Mommy" and "Daddy". Anyway, he does call us by our first names when he's trying to get our attention. For instance, if he's upstairs in his playroom or bedroom and he wants one of us he'll shout our name. Same goes for when we're in a store or even a crowd of people....it's like he knows that a million people answer to "Mom" so he calls out my name instead.
P mainly calls us mommy and daddy. However, she will call MH by his first name or by his/their last name b/c I do it. Typically when she does it, she's doing it to be funny or get his attention.
Our 2 older kids went thru this phase. It lasted longer with our DS, but it did pass. It never really bothered me, but DH didn't like it very much! I knew it was just a phase that would quickly pass, though!
Re: Do your kids call you by your first names?
She doesn't call us by our first names too much, but she does refer to us that way. She will ask me where Scott went all the time and does the same to him.
I think it may be a phase ... or maybe because DD hears you call each other by your first names. My DD (almost 3) has been calling Daddy "Dabes" for the longest time (his name is Dave). She doesn't call me by my first name,though.
It's a phase. My DD did this for a little while, more so with my husband. My friend's DD did it too for a little while (again more so with the dad, not sure why).